Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sangria and supper served with a side of advice

I was on the dance team in high school, yes pom-poms and all.  Throughout the years the girls on the team and I became inseparable.  And with all the competitions, football and basketball games and long drives to State Championships (1st place every year baby, woop woop!) our moms became pretty inseparable as well.

But once we graduated our moms didn't think they could live without each other. Thus the “Scrapbook Club” was created.  I’d say they actually scrapbooked for about a month before the club soon turned into the “Less Scrapbooking More Wine Drinking Club”.

This summer we decided it was time to get the whole crew together again for a night of good food (recipes to come), great drinks and wonderful company.

I wanted to ask these mom’s for a bit of advice about love, life and whether or not moms are really ALWAYS right.

I had to start out with one of the more cliché questions (gotta get these moms warmed up, right?)

A: What’s one thing you wish you could tell your twenty-year-old self?

Shirley Wehking: Know no limits, don’t be intimidated and don’t do what you think you SHOULD be doing.

Anne Meisenheimer: Just go for it, don’t think about the safe choice, chose the one that’s more adventurous.

A: Do you ladies have any dating advice for us Millennials?


Nancy Scorby: Don’t always be available.

SW: You need to learn to talk.

SW: The mystery is much more attractive.

Lisa Pinto: Be true to yourself and don’t let any other influences change you.

SW: But get off that damn phone…

AM: Don’t fool yourself you KNOW when a guy isn’t treating you right, don’t be dumb.

SW: I loved the bad boys though… loved them.

Julie Small: Don’t think you’re going to change him.

When I asked the moms if they had any embarrassing moments that they could remember from their years in college they weren't too willing to give up their dirty secrets.  But here’s a few positive take-aways from that invasive question.

AM: Believe it or not we did the same shit you guys did.

SW: We puked in a gutter some where...

Nice ladies, glad to know we aren’t alone.

A: What qualities do you look for in a man?

They were much more willing to shout out their opinions on this one. 




LP: A man needs to be respectful, he needs to be loyal, he needs to be honest.

But then I had to ask...

A: How many men did you have to go through before you found those qualities?

And well…

SW: Oh I got married at 35 please…

NS: Lots of frogs…

So ladies there’s hope for all of us!  I wanted to switch gears a bit and get off the love train and find out their secrets to success.

A: What did you learn about yourself when you started your first job?

SW: You’re not all that.

AM: Make the best of every situation, work hard in every situation and you will grow.  Things will fall into your lap.  Don’t be a big shot.

JS: Respect everyone, especially those who are below you.

And last but not least, the ultimate question.

A: Are moms really always right?

Unanimous "NO!"

SW: As our children get older they point out how wrong we are sometimes and they’re right.

Well there you have it, straight from the horse's mouth.

Until next time, cheers!


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